Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Blogging Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt Assignment

3rd grade

Use this website to answer question one: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/ocean/sunlit

1. Light Zone Animals that begin with the letter ‘s’


2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

Use this website to answer question two and three: http://www.mbgnet.net/salt/oceans/zone.htm

2. Twilight zone animals




3. Midnight zone animals




4. Give three different types of coral reefs: http://www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/coralreef/coralreef.shtml




5. Give three different characteristics about fish by using this site: http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/eviau/edit557/oceans/linda/loceans.htm




Answer Key

1. They could be any three of the following: sand dollar, sandtiger shark, scallop, sea anemone, sea cow, sea cucumber, seahorse, sea lion, seals, sea otter, sea star, sea turtle, sea urchin, shark, shrimp, snail, spectacled porpoise, sperm whale, sponge, spotted dolphin, squid, starfish, stingray.

2. They could be any three of the following: lantern fish, rattalk fish, hatchet fish, viperfish, and mid-water jellyfish.

3. They could be any three of the following: angler fish, tripod fish, sea cucumber, snipe eel, opposom shrimp, black swallower, and vampire squid.

4. Barrier reefs, fringing reefs, and coral atolls.

5. Fish are animals, they swim and live in water, fish have scales and fins, they breathe the air in the water by using their gills, and fish come in many different colors, shapes, and sizes

Directions: The students will read the directions to each question. They will find the answers and write them in the correct spot.

The students will be graded by using the answer key above and participation.

4). Participation was excellent and all answers were correct

3). Participation was good and got 4 out of 5 questions right.

2). Participation was okay 3 out of 5 questions right.

1). Participation was poor 4 out of 5 questions were correct

0). 5 out of 5 questions were incorrect

The scavenger hunt will be part of the ocean habitat lesson we will learning this week. It will also help the students learn to use the internet. It can be used in any curriculum area though.

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